Can you guess? Yes, I broke my arm. My right elbow to be exact. I'm right handed. It's been 3 weeks now and it has been tough if I can be honest. Think about it, I can't dry my hair, straighten it, I have to brush my teeth with my left hand, & not to mention extremely little cooking for 3 weeks. I say the sleeping has been the most difficult, but actually I think it is tied with my lack of cooking. I know a lot of you would rather go out to eat than even begin to think about what's for dinner tonight. But, for me my excitement level is highly elevated when I am deciding on my nightly meal! I have way too many food blogs bookmarked, cook books, printed recipes (don't get my family started on my recipe box), & my own creations. I'm thinking I should go to Culinary School or maybe be a personal chef...oh wait I already do that in my own house!
My broken arm is my reason for no posts for the last few weeks. Hopefully I'll be on the mend soon so I can hold up my camera to take pictures of my creations. My line now when people ask about my arm is, it is still broke but attached. It will get better just not soon enough for me to get back in the kitchen!
I hope your arm is healing well!